Orientation Program

As BISU bilar campus starts the Academic year 2021-2022, the guidance Center, in cooperation with the different colleges and offices , will conduct a Virtual Orientation Program on the following dates to acquaint the incoming freshmen students with the academic policies, student support services, and the school rules and regulations. Pls be guided by the following schedule and admission details:
(pls insert sked)
Online Platforms:
(1) Zoom (8:00am-5:00 pm) : priority slots will be reserved for campus key officials, spokespersons and fculty members; students can be accommodated on first log, first served basis
(pls insert meeting IDs and passcodes for undergrad and CAdS)
(2) FB live: via Guidance Bisu Bilar FB Account , for students and other viewers who cannot be accommodated via Zoom.As BISU bilar campus starts the Academic year 2021-2022, the guidance Center, in cooperation with the different colleges and offices , will conduct a Virtual Orientation Program on the following dates to acquaint the incoming freshmen students with the academic policies, student support services, and the school rules and regulations. Pls be guided by the following schedule and admission details:
(pls insert sked)
Online Platforms:
(1) Zoom (8:00am-5:00 pm) : priority slots will be reserved for campus key officials, spokespersons and fculty members; students can be accommodated on first log, first served basis
(pls insert meeting IDs and passcodes for undergrad and CAdS)
(2) FB live: via Guidance Bisu Bilar FB Account , for students and other viewers who cannot be accommodated via Zoom.
***Source from BISU BILAR Facebook Post***